Long Answer Type


What problems did Helen, the ghost, cause in John Hallock’s life?

The narrator, John Hallock was very desperate for inspiration. His wife, Lavinia got an Ouija board for her husband thinking that his interactions with ghosts will actually help him get creative ideas for his stories. The Ouija Board helped him in summoning the ghost, Helen who provided him with creative inputs for his story. Helen found his mind soft enough to accept impression and helped him. Unfortunately, the new fad of people using Ouija boards to call upon ghosts to answer their questions exhausted her. She threatened John that she would go on strike. She wanted the narrator to pressurise his acquaintances to quit using the Ouija board. On the other hand, his wife overhears him talking to the ghost of Helen one day. Mistaking the ghost for another lady, she believed that her husband was unfaithful to her.



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