Long Answer Type


Helen’s contact with Dr. Bell raised her perception and understanding of the world. Comment.

When Helen remembered the first time she met Dr. Bell as a child, she wrote that she felt he understood her and she loved him at once. Dr. Bell referred Helen to the Perkins Institution in Boston and Anne Sullivan was sent to Helen's home to begin her education. Helen was extremely grateful to Dr. Bell for broadening her horizons. In the following year, the two frequently spent time together, developing something of a parent-child relationship along the way. In 1888, when Helen went to visit Dr. Bell she met with President Grover Cleveland. In 1893, Helen accompanied Dr. Bell to the World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago, where he acted as Helen's personal guide and taught her about modern science and technology. When Helen expressed a desire to attend regular college, Dr. Bell established a trust fund for Helen. When Helen began attending Radcliffe College in Boston, it was with this trust fund, as well as further financial support from Dr. Bell that paid for her education. Through Dr. Bell's constant support Helen was exposed to a new world, new sensations, discoveries and her perception and understanding of the world was enhanced.



Why does Patol Babu’s wife tell him that he is counting his ‘chickens before they’re hatched ?


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Rearrange the following words and phrases into meaningful sentences. The first one has been done as an example. 
e.g. came / months / me / for eight / to teach / he
For eight months he came to teach me.
(a) algebra and / a week / me / geometry / twice / he taught
(b) very poor / subjects / I was / in these / earlier
(c) very / now / proficient / have become / in them / I


What made the writer believe that he was good at writing ghost stories?



What were the blessings the albatross brought with it ?


Read the extract given below and answer the questions that
follow :
A real message from the real Sebastian Shultz. We both knew that by reliving the accident, something wonderful had happened.
(a) Who is the narrator?
(b) What accident is he referring to?
(c) Write the antonym for the word, ‘wonderful.’


How does Brutus interpret Calpurnia’s dream?