Long Answer Type


Describe any five characteristics of ‘Commercial Livestock Rearing’, practised in the World.


Characteristics of ‘Commercial Livestock Rearing’:

(i) Commercial livestock rearing is more organised and capital intensive.

(ii) Commercial livestock ranching is essentially associated with western cultures and is practiced on permanent ranches. These ranches cover large areas and are divided into a number of parcels, which are fenced to regulate the grazing.

 (iii) When the grass of one parcel is grazed, animals are moved to another parcel. The number of animals in a pasture is kept according to the carrying capacity of the pasture.

 (iv) This is a specialised activity in which only one type of animal is reared. Important animals include sheep, cattle, goats and horses. Products such as meat, wool, hides and skin are processed and packed scientifically and exported to different world markets.

 (v) Rearing of animals in ranching is organised on a scientific basis. The main emphasis is on breeding, genetic improvement, disease control and health care of the animals.



The decades 1921-51 are referred to as the period of steady growth of population whereas the decades 1951-1981 are referred to as the period of population explosion in India. Explain giving reasons.


Describe any five patterns of rural settlements in the world on the basis of forms or shapes.


Differentiate between bilateral trade and multilateral trade. Explain how ports are helpful in trade.


(26.1)  In the given political outline Map of the World, four features A, B, C and D have been shown. Identify these features with the help of information given below and write their correct names on the lines drawn near them.


A: An important sea port

B: A terminal station of Australian Trans-Continental Railway

C: An area of subsistence gathering

D: The country with lowest growth rate of population (1995-2000) in Asia.

 (26.2) On the given political outline Map of India, locate and label the following with appropriate symbols:

 A. The state having highest literacy rate.

B. The leading state in the production of Jute.

C. The northern most international airport.



Explain the three components of population change in the world. Analyse the impacts of population change.