Short Answer Type


What is the role of ideas of separation and hierarchy in the Caste system?

  1. The caste system can be understood as the combination of two sets of principles, one based on difference and separation and the other on wholism and hierarchy.
  2. Ideas of separation and hierarchy proved beneficial for some castes while others are condemned to life of endless labour and subordination. Each caste is supposed to be different from – and is therefore strictly separated from – every other caste.
  3. Different and separated castes do not have an individual existence – they can only exist in relation to a larger whole, the totality of society consisting of all castes.
  4. Economic or military/physical power is closely associated with social status so that those in tend to be of high status. People defeated in wars were assigned to low caste status. Each caste has its own place in the system which cannot be taken by any other caste. It allows no mobility.


Name some of the industrial associations.


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Which cities were developed by the British in India and why?


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Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follows:
Administration did nothing to check riots
Shamli is one of the areas in western UP that bore the brunt of the riots last week. A large number of Valmikis living in the area have fled their homes. One of them said, ‘‘We have sent the women and children to our relatives living elsewhere.’’ Fearing retaliation, he is preparing to leave Shamli after sending his wife and children away. Tension was simmering for weeks, but the administration did nothing to defuse the tension. So, today there are flare-ups at the slightest provocation. The air is thick with vile rumours. And reaction to them tends to be instant. Both communities, for instance, alleged dozens of bodies were floating in a canal at Nangla Madour. Since September 3, Shamli, one of the UP's youngest districts, carved out of Muzaffarnagar in 2011, has downed shutters following communal violence.
                                                                  The Times of India, September 10, 2013

What is communalism? Why is it a source of tension and violence?


Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follows:
Administration did nothing to check riots
Shamli is one of the areas in western UP that bore the brunt of the riots last week. A large number of Valmikis living in the area have fled their homes. One of them said, ‘‘We have sent the women and children to our relatives living elsewhere.’’ Fearing retaliation, he is preparing to leave Shamli after sending his wife and children away. Tension was simmering for weeks, but the administration did nothing to defuse the tension. So, today there are flare-ups at the slightest provocation. The air is thick with vile rumours. And reaction to them tends to be instant. Both communities, for instance, alleged dozens of bodies were floating in a canal at Nangla Madour. Since September 3, Shamli, one of the UP's youngest districts, carved out of Muzaffarnagar in 2011, has downed shutters following communal violence.
                                                                  The Times of India, September 10, 2013

Write any two instances of communal violence other than that mentioned in the passage.


How did the advent of colonialism in India produce a major upheaval in the economy?


Mention the two broad sets of issues most important in giving rise to tribal movements.



Who are the 'privileged' minorities?