Multiple Choice Questions


Exploitation of poor by rich can be stemmed only if the state exercises complete control
over agriculture and industrial production. But state control is
beset by two evils ; corruption and delay. The net result is that if man tries to escape from
one evil, then he is trapped by another. Suffering, hence, is inescapable.
The argument presented above seems to imply the following conclusions. Identify the
one which is least dubious. Apply common sense.

  • If agriculture and industrial production can be abolished, we can free ourselves from all forms of evil

  • To avoid evil austere life shall be encouraged

  • The gap between poor and rich can be bridged by heavily taxing the rich and passing on the largesse to the poor

  • The gap between poor and rich can be bridged by heavily taxing the rich and passing on the largesse to the poor


To avoid evil austere life shall be encouraged



That the human soul is immaterial is an undisputed fact. Significantly, what is not
matter is not spatial and consequently, it is not vulnerable to motion. Evidently, no
motion no dissolution. What escapes from dissolution is also free from corruptibility.
Therefore, the human soul is immortal. In this argument, one premiss is
missing. Complete the argument by choosing from the following :

  • Nothing is free from dissolution

  • What is incorruptible is immortal

  • There is no motion

  • There is no motion


1) If a person commits an act by which death is caused to another person and the act is
done with the intention of causing death, that person is liable for murder.
2) A person has a right of self defense to the extent of causing death to another
provided he apprehends death by the act of the latter.

Shuva went to a hardware shop owned by Anup. Bargaining on some item led to altercation
between the two and Shuva picked up a sharp object and hit at Anup. When Anup started
bleeding, his wife Mridula intervened and she was also hit by Shuva and she became
unconscious. Finding himself totally cornered, Anup delivered a severe blow to Shuva
with a sharp object. Shuva died instantly.
Possible decisions
a) Anup murdered Shuva.
b) Anup killed Shuva with the intention of killing to save himself and his wife
C) Anup killed Shuva without any intention to do so just to save himself and his wife
Probable reasons for the decision
i) If a person kills another i stantly on the spot, the intention to kill is obvious.
ii) Anup used force apprehending death of himself and his wife.
ill) Anup used disproportionate force.
iv) There was nothing to show that Shuva wanted to kill Anup or his wife. Your decision
with the reason

  • (a) (i)

  • (a) (iii)

  • (c) (ii)

  • (c) (ii)


Protagonists of human rights vehemently oppose capital punishment. Their
opposition stems mainly from three reasons. Firstly, man cannot terminate what he
cannot generate. Secondly, the function of punishment is to reform the culprit. Thirdly, a culprit
should be given an opportunity to repent. Admittedly, death penalty fails on all three counts.
However, the defenders argue that a person is punished because he has to pay for
his deeds. Reformation or repentance, according to them, is peripheral. Hence, death
penalty is admissible.
Which one of the following is the focus of this debate ?

  • Man's rights and privileges

  • Nature and purpose of punishment

  • Prevention of crime

  • Prevention of crime


Under the same fact situation as above, the alternatives suggested (not necessarily
all), if true, significantly strengthen the argument. However, one of them is most forceful.
Identify the same.

  • Espionage activities by enemy nations, which contribute to political turmoil, can be prevented only if the government is very strong.

  • The philosophy behind any economic policy, 'push from bottom, press from top' is to be followed to mitigate violence, and it is not observed.

  • Political turmoil is due to corrupt establishment.

  • Political turmoil is due to corrupt establishment.



Under the same fact situation as above, which one of the following, if true, affects
seriously the argument presented above ?

  • Matter is not bound by space

  • Matter is indestructible

  • Whatever exists is not necessarily affected by motion.

  • Whatever exists is not necessarily affected by motion.


Four members have to be nominated to a Committee and there are six candidates: A,
B, C, D, E and F. The following restrictions hold good :

A) If A is nominated, then D does not find any place.
B) If B is nominated, then either E or F has to be nominated, but not both
C) If C is nominated, then both D and E have to be nominated. Which one of the following
is an acceptable combination ?

  • A, B, C and E

  • A, B, C and D

  • B, C, D and E

  • B, C, D and E


1) Consumable goods which are not fit for consumption are not marketable.
2) A consumer shall not suffer on account of unmarketable goods.
3) A seller is liable for knowingly selling unmarketable goods.
4) A manufacturer shall be liable for the quality of his products. Facts
Ram bought a Coca Cola bottle from Shama's shop. Back at home, the server opened the bottle
and poured the drink into the glasses of Ram and his friend Tom. As Tom started drinking, he
felt irritation in his throat. Immediately, Ram and Tom took the sample to test and found nitric
acid in the content. Ram filed a suit against Shama, Coca Cola company and the bottler, Kishen
and Co. Suggested Decisions
(a) Ram cannot get compensation
(b) Tom can get compensation

(c) Both Ram and Tom can get compensation
Suggested Reasons
i) Shama did not know the contents of sealed bottle.
ii) Ram did not actually suffer though he bought the bottle.
iii) Tom did not buy the bottle.
iv) Coca Cola company is responsible since it supplied the concentrate.
v) Kishen & Co, is responsible since it added water, sugar, etc., and sealed the bottle.
vi) Shama is responsible for selling the defective product.
Your decision with the reason

  • (a) (ii)

  • (b) (vi)

  • (c) (v)

  • (c) (v)


1) On the death of husband, the widow shall inherit the property of her deceased
husband along with children equally.
2) A widow can not claim the property of the deceased if on the date when
the question of succession opens, she has remarried.
3) A female acquiring property in any way has the absolute title to the property.
Apply the above three principles and decide the case of the following fact situation:

Facts : When Sudhir died, he had 1/3rd share of the family property, which the three brothers
Rudhir, Sudhir and Yasu inherited from their father, B.
Sudhir died on September 23' 2006 without having any issue. The widow of
Ms. Win remarried on January 1, 2007.
Rudhir and Yasu refused 'Win' the share from Sudhir's portion when Win claimed the
entire property belonging to Sudhir on January 30, 2007.
Select your decision from the possible decisions given in list 1 and the appropriate
reason from the indicated reasons given in list H given below:
List I - Decisions
(a) Win cannot inherit the property of Sudhir
(b) Win can inherit the property of Sudhir
List II - Reasons
i) Win does not belong to the family
ii) Win was remarried
iii) Her claim was on the date of Sudhir's death
iv) Her claim was submitted after she was remarried
Your decision and reason-
Shade the right decision with reason from the following

  • (a) (i)

  • (a) (ii)
  • (b) (iii)

  • (b) (iii)



Political turmoil in a country is mainly caused by widespread violence and flawed
economic policies of successive governments. If at all this has to be crushed, it can be
achieved only by a dictatorial government which rules with iron hand. Therefore, the need
of the hour is to elect a government which imposes fresh set of stringent legislations.
The alternatives suggested (not necessarily all), if true, considerably weaken the argument.
However, one of them is most forceful. Identify the same.

  • It is not the imposition of new legislations which is required, but effective adherence to the existing legislations.

  • That government is the best government which governs least

  • It is possible to overcome any evil by educating people

  • It is possible to overcome any evil by educating people