Multiple Choice Questions


 A bench headed by………………quashed allocation of 214……….as………


  •  Justice HL Dattu, Coad Blocks, illegal and arbitrary


  •  Justice RM Lodha, coal blocks, illegal and arbitrary


  •  Justice TS Thankur, licenses, illegal and arbitrary


  •  Justice TS Thankur, licenses, illegal and arbitrary



 Justice RM Lodha, coal blocks, illegal and arbitrary




 The NDA Led Government notified the………….and the National judicial Appointment Commission ACT, thus ending the over two-decade old…………of appointing judges of supreme court and high courts. Under the new law, a six member panel headed by………. will select judges of the apex court and state high courts.


  • 99th Constitutional (Amendment) Act 2015, collegiums system, the Chief Justice of India


  •  121st Constitutional (Amendment) Act 2015, collegium system, the Union law Minister.

  •  121st Constitutional (Amendment) Act 2015, collegium system, the prime Minister.


  •  121st Constitutional (Amendment) Act 2015, collegium system, the prime Minister.



 Who administer oath of office to the Governor of a state?


  •  President of India


  •  Chief Justice of High Court of the respective state


  • Chief Justice of India


  • Chief Justice of India



 The Union Government on the recommendation of the……….under the chairmanship of…………..has decided to decriminalize section………….of the Indian penal code.


  •  20th Law Commission, Justice AP Shah & 309


  •  20th Law Commission, Justice MP Shah & 307


  •  Supreme Court, Justice HL Dattu& Section 309


  •  Supreme Court, Justice HL Dattu& Section 309



 Consider the following statement and choose the best option:

1. The Chairman of the national legal services Authority (NALSA) is the chief Justice of India.

2. Chief Justice Mr. Justice H.L. Dattu is the present Chairman of NALSA.

3. The Chairman of the National Legal Services Authority (NALSA) is the senior most judge (after CJI) of the supreme court of India.

4. Hon’ble Mr. Justice T.S. Thakur is the present chairman of NALSA.


  •  1 and 2 are correct


  •  2 and 3 are correct


  •  3 and 4 are correct

  •  3 and 4 are correct



. Five years’ experience is a must to be able practice as an advocate in the Superme Court of India, This rule was prescribed by the…….


  •  Bar Council of India


  •  Supreme Court of India

  •  High Court of Delhi


  •  High Court of Delhi



What is a ‘Moot’?


  •  A basic point of law


  •  A basic fact of case


  •  Mock court for practice by student in general


  •  Mock court for practice by student in general



 The………..Legislative Assembly on 31st March 2015 passed controversial Anti-Terrorism Law, Earlier, the passed bill was rejected two time by the then……….in 2004 and 2008.


  •  Bihar, Presidents


  •  Madhya Pradesh, Governors


  •  Gujarat, Presidents


  •  Gujarat, Presidents



 India and Britain recently Signed and “extradition treaty” Extradition means-


  •  Exports without double taxation


  •  Order of Indian courts will apply of Indians living in the U.K.


  •  India and the U.K. will deport criminals on reciprocal basis to each other.

  •  India and the U.K. will deport criminals on reciprocal basis to each other.



The Railway authorities allowed a train to be over-crowded. In consequence, a legitimate passenger, Mr. X got his pcket picked. Choose appropriate answer-


  •  Mr. X can sue the railway authorities for the loss suffered.


  •  Mr. X cannot sue because he had given his consent to travel in over-crowded train.


  •  Mr. X cannot sue the railway authorities because there was no infringement of legal right and mere fact that the loss was caused does not give to a cause of action.


  •  Mr. X cannot sue the railway authorities because there was no infringement of legal right and mere fact that the loss was caused does not give to a cause of action.