Short Answer Type


In the post World War I scenario, Italy and Germany experienced the rise of dictatorships. In this contetext, explain :

Any three circumstances that led to the rise of Fascism in Italy.

Its rise across Europe was fuelled by harsh economic conditions and popular unrest.

1. It was a reaction to the frightening, dehumanising characteristics of industrialisation. Fascism sought to fuse the benefits of modern society with a traditional moral order centred upon wholesome family virtues. Fascist imagery is rife with depictions of happy domestic families in traditional national garb.

2. It articulated and reaffirmed national identity during a time of widespread confusion and disorientation in Europe.Modern Europe owes its crystallised national units and identities in part to the vocal self-identification of the fascist movements and the debates and discussions they provoked.

3. It arose out of the trauma of WWI. WWI had started as a traditional European springtime war, but quickly devolved into an industrialised nightmare of carnage and chemical warfare. The men who returned from the trenches of WWI had, effectively, been brutalised.


The attempt of the British to pacify the congress and the Muslims League was clearly visible in the Cabinet Mission proposals, but in reality neither could be pleased. With reference to this, explain : 

The reasons for the Muslim League's acceptance and later rejection of the Cabinet Mission Plan. 

The attempt of the British to pacify the congress and the Muslims League was clearly visible in the Cabinet Mission proposals, but in reality neither could be pleased. With reference to this, explain : 

The reactions of the Congress to the Cabinet Mission Plan.

In the post-World War I scenario, Italy and Germany experienced the rise of dictatorships. In this context, explain :

Any three domestic policies of Hitler.


In the post-World War I scenario, Italy and Germany experienced the rise of dictatorships. In this context, explain :

How the foreign policies of Hitler were responsible for the outbreak of World War II ?



The World has the damages caused by the two World Wars. The aim of the United Nations Organization is to save the succeeding generations from the scourge of another war. With reference to this :

Explain any three functions of the General Assembly.


The World has the damages caused by the two World Wars. The aim of the United Nations Organization is to save the succeeding generations from the scourge of another war. With reference to this :

Mention three important functions of the UNESCO.