Short Answer Type


State how each of the following factors were the cause of the Second World War:

The failure of the League of Nations.

1. Absence Of Great Powers : It was unfortunate that the covenant of the League of Nations was made a part parcel of the peace settlement. It would have been better if it had kept separate. There were many states which consider the Treaty Of Versailles as a treaty of revenge, and were not prepared to ratify the same. By not retifying the treaty , they refused to be the members of the League.

2. Domination Of France and England : It was felt that the League Of Nations was dominated by England and France and consequently the other states began to loose their confidence in that organization.

3. Rise Of Dictatorship : The rise of dictatorship in Italy, Japan and Germany also weakened the chances of success of the League of Nations . Japan was determined to acquire fresh territories and her unscrupulous patriotism threw to the winds of all principles of international law and morality. If the League was to prepared to condone her fault of conquering Manchuria . She was to prepared to give up her membership of the League and that is exactly what she actually did.



State how each of the following factors were the cause of the Second World War:

The Policy of Appeasement.


State how each of the following factors were the cause of the Second World War:

The Aggressive Nationalism of Germany.


With reference to the First World War answer the following questions:

Mention three points under the Treaty of Versailles, which affected Germany.


With reference to the First World War answer the following questions:

What were the Objectives  of the League of Nations ? Name the organization formed in October, 1945 with the objectives similar to those of the League of Nations.



Long Answer Type

a. Identify the event in the above picture. Name the Lady seen in the given picture. Mention the year when the current even took place.

b. What were the main provisions of the Indian Independence Act ?

c. Mention the reasons that made the congress accept the Partition Proposals.