Long Answer Type


                                     With reference to the picture given above answer the following :

(a) Identify the viceroy in the picture.

(b) Why was he sent to India ?

(c) How did he plan to solve the communal problem existing in India ?

(d) Why did the congress accept the Plan? State three reasons to justify its acceptance.

(a) Lord Mountbatten.

(b) He was sent to solve the dispute of the Muslim League and the congress as Muslim league demanded Pakistan. 

(c) Through the partition of the country into two division namely Pakistan for Muslims and India for Hindus.

(d) i. The Communal riots had taken a serious turn as a result of the direct action of the Muslim League.

ii. The League had joined the Interim Government to obstruct and not to co-operate experience with the league had convinced Patel.

iii. A smaller India with a strong central authority was better than a bigger state with a weak centre.



With reference to the Non - Aligned Movement, explain the following:

(a) 'Non - Alignment.'

(b) Two factors responsible for its formation.

(c) Role of Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru. 


With reference to the cause of the Second World War answer the following :

(a) (i) Explain how the ideologies of Fascism and Nazism led to the Second World War.

(ii) How did the Japanese invasion of China create conditions for the Outbreak of the war?

(b) Explain the consequences of the war with reference to the formation of the United Nations.


In the Nagpur session 1920, the congress ratified the resolution to launch the Non - Cooperation movement under the leadership of Gandhiji. In his context :

(a) What do you understand by the term Non - Cooperation?

(b) What were the Objectives which the movement sought to achieve ? 

(c) Explain the impact of the Non - Cooperation movement in India's struggle for freedom.