Long Answer Type


(a) How does the human body protect itself from infections ?.

(b) Write short notes on the following:

(i) Biomedical Engineering

(ii) Stem cells

(iii) Cryopreservation

(c) Give an account of Darwin’s finches.

Human body has two lines of defence against pathogens :

Non Specific Mechanism: This mechanism is used against most of the infections. It is of two types.

External defence or First line of defence.
Internal defence or second line of defence.

Some useful bacteria living on the skin release acids and metabolic wastes which check the growth of micro–organism.

Lysozyme of tears prevents eye infections.

(b) Biomedical Engineering: Biomedical engineering is a discipline that combines the design and problem solving skills of engineering with medical and biological science to improve healthcare, diagnosis, and therapy.

ii. Stem cells are those cells that have the ablity to renew themselves through mitotic cell division and differentiate into a diverse range of specialized cell types. The two main types of mammalian stem cells are embryonic stem cells that are found in blastocysts and adult stem cells that are found in adults tissue.

iii. Cryopreservation : The preservation of germplasm at ultra low temperature (like 196°C ) is termed cryopreservation. In such kind of preservation the biological activity ceases and there is no genetic change occurs.

(c) Darwin studied the climate conditions, fauna and flora of Galapagos island.  He noticed nearly 20 related varieties of small birds in these islands which differed mainly in the shape and size of the their beak and in the colour of their plumage. These birds are now called Darwin’s finches. Finches are, in fact, a group of small birds found in these islands. The general bird fauna of these islands shows affinty with the American species but the Darwin’s finches differ considerably from American finches. However, a related species of Darwin’s finches was reported from South American mainland. Therefore, Darwin concluded that the American mainland species was the original one from which different forms migrated to the different island of Galapagos and adapted to the different environmental conditions of these island. These adapted forms are considered to be the new species. Thus, Darwin’s finches provide a beautiful example of adaptive radiation supporting the concept of evolution.


(a) Explain mass selection and pure line selection. How is pure line selection a better method for crop improvement?

(a) What is mental illness? Explain any three methods of treatment of mental illness.

(b) What are Koch’s postulates? Why are they not applicable to viruses?

(c) Name the causative agent and the main symptom of each of the following diseases :

(i) Filariasis

(ii) Rabies

(iii) Chicken pox


(a) Explain the convergent and divergent evolution with suitable examples.

(b) What is manure? How does green manure differ from biofertilizers?

(c) What is IPM? Give an example of bioinsecticides and bioherbicides and how do they help in pest control.