Multiple Choice Questions


In the following question choose the synonym of the CAPITAL word

MOMENTOUS changes are taking place in the social and economic life of India.

  • notorious

  • momentary

  • official

  • enormous




In the following question choose the synonym of the CAPITAL word

He is very OBLIGING by nature.

  • helpful

  • nice

  • thankful

  • compelling

In the following question choose the synonym of the CAPITAL word

She was completely ENGROSSED in her work.

  • disturbed

  • absorbed

  • fatigued

  • successful

In the following question choose the synonym of the CAPITAL word

His condition DETERIORATED day by day.

  • went bad

  • grew worse

  • went down

  • grew bad

In the following question choose the synonym of the CAPITAL word

She thought that RUNNING INTO her old friend was a stroke of fate.

  • meeting by chance

  • collinding

  • travelling with

  • quarrelling with


In the following question choose the synonym of the CAPITAL word

She is pretty INSIPID young lady.

  • clever

  • lazy

  • dull

  • lean

In the following question choose the synonym of the CAPITAL word

He was a CHARISMATIC leader.

  • exceptionally fasinating

  • particularly popular

  • compulsively pleasant

  • strangely haunting

In the following question choose the synonym of the CAPITAL word

He is an INDEFATIGABLE worker.

  • tired

  • tireless

  • brave

  • skilful

In the following question choose the synonym of the CAPITAL word

We should not allow ADVERSITY to discourage us.

  • poverty

  • darkness

  • time of trouble

  • unfriendly criticism


In the following question choose the synonym of the CAPITAL word

It is the difficulty or SCARCITY of a thing that makes it precious.

  • poverty

  • absence

  • insufficiency

  • disappearance