Multiple Choice Questions


Green muffler is used against which type of pollution ?

  • Air

  • Soil

  • Water

  • Noise



Green plants are being planted around the road side to check the noise pollution. This is known as green mu filer. Noise pollution is measured in decibels.


Which of the following is involved in allergic reaction?

  • lgM

  • IgM and lgG

  • IgA

  • lgE

Introduction of foreign genes for improving genotype is

  • biotechnology

  • vernalization

  • tissue culture

  • genetic engineering

Pure line breed refers to

  • heterozygosity only

  • heterozygosity and linkage

  • homozygosity only

  • homozygosity and self assortment

If a homozygous red flowered plant is crossed with a homozygous white flowered plant, the offspring would be

  • half red-flowered

  • all red-flowered

  • half white-flowered

  • half pink-flowered.


Xenia and metaxenia terms are related with

  • pollen culture

  • xylem and phloem

  • endosperm

  • embryo

Elater mechanism for seed dispersal is exhibited by

  • Riccia

  • Dryopteris

  • Funaria

  • Marchantia

Megasporophyll of Cycas has the same nature as

  • stamen

  • petal

  • sepal

  • carpel

When the filament runs throughout the length of anther, it is called

  • adnate

  • dorsi fixed

  • versatile

  • syngenesious


Adults of Wuchereria bancrofti attacks

  • excretory system

  • nervous system

  • digestive system

  • lymphatic system