Multiple Choice Questions


Streptomycin was isolated first time by :

  • A. Flemming

  • Robert Koch

  • N. Borlaug

  • S. Waksman


S. Waksman

Streptomycin was first isolated by S. Waksman from Streptomyces griseus in 1944.

Robert Koch discovered anthrax causing bacterium.

Alexander Flemming discovered Penicillin (first antibiotic).

N. Borlaug is known as the Father of Green Revolution.


The term 'ecosystem' was coined by :

  • E.P. Odum

  • A.G. Tansley

  • Carl Mobious

  • W. Clementus

The vaccine of Hepatitis-B is a :

  • first generation vaccine

  • interferon

  • second generation vaccine

  • third generation vaccine

Hybridoma technology is used to :

  • kill the cancer cells

  • formation of somaclonal antibodies

  • formation of somatic hybrids

  • formation of antibiotics

Which of the following micro-organism is used for conversion of milk into curd?

  • Xanthomonas citri

  • Bacillus megatherium

  • Acetobacter aceti

  • None of the above


Yeast is used in the production of :

  • acetic acid

  • citric acid

  • ethyl alcohol

  • curd

In India highest amount of coal is present in :

  • West Bengal

  • Maharastra

  • Jharkhand

  • Assam

In human the inheritance of sex linkage takes place through :

  • autosomes

  • Y - chromosome

  • X- chromosome

  • both 'b' and 'c'

Which of the following is formed by the reactions of UV-rays of sunlight?

  • SO2

  • CO

  • Ozone

  • Florides


Kohler and Milstein developed biotechnology for :

  • monoclonal antibodies

  • steroid synthesis

  • immobilization of enzymes

  • myeloma