Multiple Choice Questions


The first heart sound is produced when

  • diastole begins

  • semilunar valve close quickly

  • interventricular pressure decrease

  • bicuspid and tricuspid valve close quickly


bicuspid and tricuspid valve close quickly

During working of heart two sounds are produced lub and dub. First sound (i.e., lub) is produced when auriculoventricular (tricuspid and bicuspid) valves are closed or at the end of diastole. The second sound (i.e., dub) is produced when semilunar valves at the base of dorsal aorta are closed or at the end of systole.


Blood calcium level can be increased by the administration of

  • glucagon

  • thyroxine

  • parathormone

  • caleitonin

Which of the following is both exocrine and endocrine gland

  • Liver

  • Pancreas

  • Thyroid

  • Adrenal

The epithelial lining in the alveoli of the frogs facing lung cavity is

  • squamous ciliated

  • columnar ciliated

  • columnar nonciliated

  • squamous nonciliated

Phospholipids are

  • amphipathic

  • hydrophobic

  • amphibolic

  • none of these


Which of the following assists in the locomotion of the organism stated

  • Epithelium of' Pheretima

  • Trichocysts of Paramecium

  • Pedicellaria of Star fish

  • Posterior sucker of Hirudinaria 

Which of the following is the part of mid brain of rabbit?

  • Diencephalon

  • Cerebrum

  • Corpora quadrigemina

  • None of the above

Which of the following is a transparent tissue

  • Tendon

  • Hyaline cartilage

  • Fibrous cartilage

  • All of these

The scientist, who described the birds as glorified reptiles, was

  • Romer

  • Huxley

  •  Mendel

  • Robert Hooke


Third cleavage of frog's development is

  • equatorial

  • vertical

  • latitudinal

  • none of these