Multiple Choice Questions


The scientist, who described the birds as glorified reptiles, was

  • Romer

  • Huxley

  •  Mendel

  • Robert Hooke



Huxley stated that birds are glorified reptiles. The missing link Archaeopteryx is a fossil lizard bird. It was founded by Andreas Wagner (1861) from upper Jurassic limestone rocks of Solenbofen in Bowaria, Germany


Which of the following is a transparent tissue

  • Tendon

  • Hyaline cartilage

  • Fibrous cartilage

  • All of these

Phospholipids are

  • amphipathic

  • hydrophobic

  • amphibolic

  • none of these

Which of the following is the part of mid brain of rabbit?

  • Diencephalon

  • Cerebrum

  • Corpora quadrigemina

  • None of the above

The epithelial lining in the alveoli of the frogs facing lung cavity is

  • squamous ciliated

  • columnar ciliated

  • columnar nonciliated

  • squamous nonciliated


Blood calcium level can be increased by the administration of

  • glucagon

  • thyroxine

  • parathormone

  • caleitonin

Which of the following assists in the locomotion of the organism stated

  • Epithelium of' Pheretima

  • Trichocysts of Paramecium

  • Pedicellaria of Star fish

  • Posterior sucker of Hirudinaria 

The first heart sound is produced when

  • diastole begins

  • semilunar valve close quickly

  • interventricular pressure decrease

  • bicuspid and tricuspid valve close quickly

Third cleavage of frog's development is

  • equatorial

  • vertical

  • latitudinal

  • none of these


Which of the following is both exocrine and endocrine gland

  • Liver

  • Pancreas

  • Thyroid

  • Adrenal