Multiple Choice Questions


Inner lining of blood vessels is formed by

  • ciliated epithelium

  • squamous epithelium

  • cubical epithelium

  • columnar epithelium


squamous epithelium

Inner lining of blood vessels is formed by squamous epithelium. It consists of a layer of thin, flat, scale- like cells with prominent nuclei. The cells have irregular boundaries that fit closely into those of neighbouring cells.

Ciliated epithelium is found in the respiratory tract and in the fallopian tubes of women. It helps in the movement of particles out of the body using hair like structures, cilia.

Cuboidal epithelium is found in organs that are specialized for secretion such as salivary glands and thyroid follicles.

Columnar epithelium is uni- layered. It is found in lining of most of the digestive tract such as stomach, small intestine and large intestine.


Secretion of gastric juice is stimulated by

  • pepsin

  • gastrin

  • renin

  • secretin

Which one shows bio-luminescence?

  • Noctiluca

  • Polystomella

  • Entamoeba

  • Suctoria

Mantle, foot and shell are the characteristics of

  • Nautilus

  • Echinus

  • Limulus

  • Euplectella

Protists are

(i) unicellular and prokaryote

(ii) unicellular and eukaryote

(iii) multicellular and eukaryote

(iv) autotroph or heterotroph

  • (i), (ii) and (iii)

  • (ii), (iii) and (iv)

  • (iii), (iv)

  • (ii), (iv)


Pepsin is inactivated at pH

  • below 3

  • below 2

  • above 5

  • above 3

Which one affects liver, muscle and adipose tissue?

  • Androgen

  • Insulin

  • Progesterone

  • Glucagon

Nucleated RBC is present in

  • man

  • rat

  • frog

  • rabbit

The main excretory organ of prawn is

  • green gland

  • flame cell

  • Malphigian tubule

  • nephridia


Moulting hormone is secreted by

  • corpora cardiacum

  • prothoracic gland

  • corpora allata

  • neurosecretory hormone