Multiple Choice Questions


Which is called soluble RNA ?

  • rRNA

  • tRNA

  • mRNA

  • hnRNA



There are following three types of cellular RNA

(1) Transfer RNA or soluble RNA

(2) Messnger RNA or template RNA

(3) Ribosomal RNA

Transfer RNA (t-RNA) and messenger RNA (m-RNA) are synthesized on DNA template of chromosomes while ribosomal RNA (r-RNA) is derived from nucleolale DNA.


Set which includes only analogous organs is :

  • wings of butterfly, housefly and bat

  • hindlegs of horse, grasshopper and bat

  • wings of btterfly and Wingspread of bat and birds

  • mandibles of cockrach, mosquito and honey bee

'Convergent Evolution' is shown by :

  • homologous organs

  • analogous organs

  • vestigial organs

  • above three

In DNA, which is absent :

  • Adenine

  • Thymine

  • Guanine

  • Uracil

Lymphocytes are formed by :

  • plasma cells

  • mast cells

  • liver cells

  • none of these


On high mountains, difficulty in breathing is due to :

  • decrease in partial pressure of O2

  • decrease in amount of O2

  • increase in CO2 conc

  • all of the above

Example of Analogous organs is :

  • wings of bird and insect

  • forelimbs of horse and man

  • teeth of elephant and man

  • none of the above

e -DNA is formed from m-RNA by which enzyme:

  • restriction endonuclease

  • reverse transcriptase

  • DNA polymerase

  • RNA polymerase

Mutation is more common when it is present in:

  • dominant condition

  • recessive condition

  • constant in population

  • none of the above


In DNA, which is absent ?

  • Adenine

  • Guanine

  • Uracil

  • Cytosine