Multiple Choice Questions


Urine is concentrated in

  • kidney

  • deamination

  • arginine

  •  Omithine



Urine formation takes place in kidney. It includes glomerular filtration (ultrafiltration), selective reabsorption and tubular secretion. Urine is stored temporarily in urinary bladder.


Cell membrane in animals is composed mainly of the molecule of

  • lipids

  • proteins

  • lipids and proteins

  • carbohydrates

Which one is single membrane cell organelle

  • Endoplasmic reticulam

  • Mitochondria

  • Lysosomes

  • Chloroplast

chloragogen cells help in 

  • respiration

  • reproduction

  • circulation

  • nutrition

Which is gonadotropin hormone

  • GH

  • MSH

  • ADH

  • FSH and LH


Which leaves the liver and moves towards kidney

  • Ammonia

  • Urea

  • Glycogen

  • Bile

Major nitrogenous waste product in ureotelic animals like rabbit and other mammals is

  • uric acid

  •  urea

  •  ammonia

  • amino acids

'Sea fan' belongs to

  • Coelenterata

  • Porifera

  • Echinodermata

  • Mollusca

Trochophore is the larva of

  • Neopilina

  • Chiton

  • Pila

  • All of these


Food storage in Leucosolenia occur by

  • ostia

  • osculum

  • thesocyte

  • spongocoel