Multiple Choice Questions


The most important force which pulls water up in tall trees is

  • imbibition force

  • osmotic force

  • cohesive force

  • electromagnetic force


cohesive force

The most important force which pulls water up in the tall trees is the cohesive (inter-molecular) force between HO molecules. It also helps in maintaining the continuity of water column in tall trees.


The amphibians of plant kingdom are

  • algae 

  • bryophytes

  • thallophytes 

  • floating plants

The law of limiting factors for photosynthesis was enunciated by

  • R. Hill

  • Calvin

  • Krebs

  • Blackman

Who said that 'transpiration is a necessary evil'

  • Curtis

  • Andersen

  • Steward

  • J.C. Bose

Transpiration would be lowest when

  • wind velocity is high

  • enough water is in the soil

  • atmospheric RH is high

  • high temperature and light


Which of the following exhibits a direct porportionality to transpiration

  • Light and RH

  • Temperature and RH

  • Temperature and wind

  • RH and wind

Water in plants is transported by

  • cambium

  • phloem

  • xylem

  • epidermis

The light phase of photosynthesis is called

  • Hill reaction

  • photo action

  • pigment action

  • chlorophyllous process

The plant Cuscuta shows maximum photosynthesis in

  • red light

  • blue light

  • green light

  • no photosynthesis at all


The incomplete breakdown of sugars in anaerobic respiration results in the formation of

  • fructose and water

  • glucose and CO2

  • alcohol and CO2

  • water and CO2