Multiple Choice Questions


The incomplete breakdown of sugars in anaerobic respiration results in the formation of

  • fructose and water

  • glucose and CO2

  • alcohol and CO2

  • water and CO2


alcohol and CO2

The anaerobic respiration occurs in many bacteria, some fungi, germinating seeds, some fruits and during exergenous exercise. It involves the incomplete breakdown of sugars forming C2H5OH and CO2 as end products and 27 kcal energy is released.


The most important force which pulls water up in tall trees is

  • imbibition force

  • osmotic force

  • cohesive force

  • electromagnetic force

The amphibians of plant kingdom are

  • algae 

  • bryophytes

  • thallophytes 

  • floating plants

The law of limiting factors for photosynthesis was enunciated by

  • R. Hill

  • Calvin

  • Krebs

  • Blackman

The light phase of photosynthesis is called

  • Hill reaction

  • photo action

  • pigment action

  • chlorophyllous process


The plant Cuscuta shows maximum photosynthesis in

  • red light

  • blue light

  • green light

  • no photosynthesis at all

Who said that 'transpiration is a necessary evil'

  • Curtis

  • Andersen

  • Steward

  • J.C. Bose

Which of the following exhibits a direct porportionality to transpiration

  • Light and RH

  • Temperature and RH

  • Temperature and wind

  • RH and wind

Water in plants is transported by

  • cambium

  • phloem

  • xylem

  • epidermis


Transpiration would be lowest when

  • wind velocity is high

  • enough water is in the soil

  • atmospheric RH is high

  • high temperature and light