Multiple Choice Questions


The importance of meiosis lies in :

  • bringing discontinuous variations

  • addition in the number of chromosomes

  • reduction in the number of chromosomes

  • maintaining the number of chromosomes


maintaining the number of chromosomes

Meiosis is a type of cell division that results in 4 daughter cells each with half the number of chromosomes of the parent cell. It maintains the fixed number of chromosomes in sexually reproducing organisms. It produces haploid gametes by reducing the chromosome number to half. These gametes on fertilization restore diploidy.


The usage of binomial names, for plant species, was accepted by all after the publication of the works by :

  • Hooker

  • Linnaeus

  • Bentham

  • Darwin

Casparian strips are present in :

  • cortex

  • epidermis

  • endodermis

In mitotic cell division, the division of centromere and the division of chromatid occurs between

  • anaphase and telophase

  • prophase and metaphase

  • telophase and interphase

  • anaphase and metaphase

How many sub-phyla are available in Tracheata, according to Tippo's classification of kingdom Plantae ?

  • 4

  • 6

  • 8

  • 10


The virus, that infects bacteria, are made up of:

  • Protein only

  • RNA and protein

  • DNA and lipid

  • DNA and protein

The function of microvilli is :

  • cellular movement

  • specialized uptake of macro molecules

  • increase in surface area for absorption

  • extensive movement of substances over cell surface

Which of the following statement about viruses is correct ?

  • Viruses are obligate parasites

  • Viruses contain both RNA and DNA

  • Nucleic acid of viruses is known as capsid

  • Viruses possess their own metabolic system

In prokaryotes, the genetic material is :

  • linear DNA with histones

  • circular DNA with histones

  • linear DNA without histones

  • circular DNA without histones


Chemiosmotic theory of ATP synthesis, in the chloroplast and mitochondria, is based on :

  • proton gradient

  • membrane potential

  • accumulation of K ions

  • accumulation of Na ions