Multiple Choice Questions


How many sub-phyla are available in Tracheata, according to Tippo's classification of kingdom Plantae ?

  • 4

  • 6

  • 8

  • 10



According to Tippo's classification of Kingdom Plantae, there are 4 sub- phyla in Tracheata. These are- Pteropsida, Lycopsida, Sphenopsida and Psilopsida.


Casparian strips are present in :

  • cortex

  • epidermis

  • endodermis

The virus, that infects bacteria, are made up of:

  • Protein only

  • RNA and protein

  • DNA and lipid

  • DNA and protein

The usage of binomial names, for plant species, was accepted by all after the publication of the works by :

  • Hooker

  • Linnaeus

  • Bentham

  • Darwin

Chemiosmotic theory of ATP synthesis, in the chloroplast and mitochondria, is based on :

  • proton gradient

  • membrane potential

  • accumulation of K ions

  • accumulation of Na ions


In prokaryotes, the genetic material is :

  • linear DNA with histones

  • circular DNA with histones

  • linear DNA without histones

  • circular DNA without histones

The importance of meiosis lies in :

  • bringing discontinuous variations

  • addition in the number of chromosomes

  • reduction in the number of chromosomes

  • maintaining the number of chromosomes

Which of the following statement about viruses is correct ?

  • Viruses are obligate parasites

  • Viruses contain both RNA and DNA

  • Nucleic acid of viruses is known as capsid

  • Viruses possess their own metabolic system

The function of microvilli is :

  • cellular movement

  • specialized uptake of macro molecules

  • increase in surface area for absorption

  • extensive movement of substances over cell surface


In mitotic cell division, the division of centromere and the division of chromatid occurs between

  • anaphase and telophase

  • prophase and metaphase

  • telophase and interphase

  • anaphase and metaphase