Multiple Choice Questions


A person breathing normally at rest, takes in and expels approximately half a litre of air during each respiratory cycle. This is called :

  • tidal volume

  • vital capacity

  • inspiratory reserve volume

  • expiratory reserve volume


tidal volume

Tidal volume is the amount of air inspired or expired in a single breath by a person at rest. It is about 500 ml for an average adult human male.

Vital capacity is the greatest volume of air that can be expelled from the lungs after taking the deepest possible breath.

Inspiratory reserve volume (IRV) is the additional air that can be forcibly inhaled after the inspiration of a normal tidal volume.

Expiratory reserve volume or ERV is the additional amount of air that can be expired from the lungs by determined effort after normal exiration.


Photorespiration in C3 -plants starts from :

  • glycine

  • glycerate

  • phosphoglycolate

  • phosphoglycerate

Asthma is caused due to :

  • infection of lungs

  • infection of trachea

  • bleeding into pleural cavity

  • spasm in bronchial muscles

Mesophyll cells, which liberate malic acid at night time, are of :

  • C4 - plants

  • C3 - plants

  • C2 - plants

  • C1 - plants

The name of process of aerobic respiration, in which energy is provided in steps in electron transport chain, is :

  • EMP-pathway

  • decarboxylation

  • photophosphorylation

  • oxidative phosphorylation


The plants respond to photoperiods due to the presence of :

  • enzymes

  • stomata

  • phytochromes

  • phytohormones

Rate of heart beat is determined by :

  • AV-node

  • SA-node

  • Purkinje fibres

  • Papillary muscles

Biological oxidation in Krebs cycle involves :

  • O2

  • N2

  • CO2

  • SO2

Anaerobic respiration is also called :

  • restoration

  • fragmentation

  • multiplication

  • fermentation


The first heart sound is produced when :

  • diastole begins

  • semilunar valve close quickly

  • interventricular pressure decreases

  • bicuspid and tricuspid valve close quickly