Multiple Choice Questions


Passive food ingestion in Amoeba is known as :

  • import

  • invagination

  • circumfluence

  • circumvallation



Import involves passive sucking of food into body by rapture of plasmalemma e.g., ingestion of algae.


Ecdysone is secreted from:

  • insecta

  • trematoda

  • nematoda

  • polycheta

Haemocoel is found in :

  • Hydra and Aurelia

  • Taenia and Ascaris

  • cockroach and Pila

  • Balanoglossus and Herdmania

Different colours of frog skin are controlled by:

  • hormones

  • melanocytes

  • nervous system

  • both 'a' and 'c'

The slime moulds are characterized by the presence of :

  • elaters

  • pseudoelaters

  • capillitium

  • capitulum


The excretory material of bony fish is:

  • urea

  • protein

  • ammonia

  • amino acid

Which of the following enzyme digest protein in stomach?

  • Trypsin

  • Pepsin

  • Crepsin

  • None of these

The group of anamniota includes:

  • reptiles and birds

  • birds and mammals

  • fishes and amphibians

  • reptiles, and mammals

Blastula of frog has :

  • blastopore

  • blastocoel

  • arahenteron

  • gastropore


The enzyme, which combines with non-protein part to form a functional enzyme known as :

  • co-enzyme

  • holoenzyme

  • apoenzyme

  • prosthetic group