Multiple Choice Questions


Grassland with scattered trees is :

  • savanna

  • deciduous forest

  • evergreen forest

  • tropical rain forest



Savannah is a grassland with scattered trees. Eg, Acacia savanna, Phoenix savannah. It doesn not have much species diversity. It is found in equatorial and subtropical regions of the world especialy South America, Central Africa and Australia.


A student wants to study metaphasic behaviour of chromosomes in a living cell. The technique most suitable is :

  • phase contrast microscope

  • x-ray microscope

  • cell fractionation

  • scanning electron microscope

In the life scale of mosquito, comma shaped stage is:

  • larval stage

  • pupal stage

  • imago stage

  • none of these

The principal cereal crop of India/Asia is :

  • Sorghum

  • barley

  • wheat

  • rice

The leydig cells secrete :

  • oestrogen

  • testosterone

  • progesterone

  • corticosterone


Outgrowth developing along with hilum of the seed is:

  • Plumule

  • Radicle

  • Strophiole

  • Perisperm

Major coffee producing state of India is :

  • Tamil Nadu

  • Kerala

  • Karnataka

  • Andhra Pradesh

Acid rain are produced by:

  • excess NO2 and SO2 from burning fossil fuels

  • excess production of NH3 by industry and coal gas

  • excess release of carbon monoxide by incomplete combustion

  • excess formation of CO2 by coinbustion and animal respiration

Removal of top fertile soil by wind or water is :

  • Siltation

  • Soil erosion

  • Weathering of soil

  • Leaching


Two or more species occupying same or ovarlapping areas are :

  • sympatric

  • sibling

  • sub species

  • allopatric