Multiple Choice Questions


The earliest fossil form in phylogeny of horse is

  • Merychippus

  • Mesohippus

  • Eohippus 

  • Equus



Eohippus (dawn horse) is the earliest fossil form in phylogeny of horse. It appeared in the beginning of Eocene. It was small, browsing animal of size of fox-terrier.


The most primitive cell like chemical aggregates capable of growth and division were

  • chemoautotrophs

  • eobionts

  • prokaryotes

  • microspheres

Autosomes in humans are

  • 11 pairs

  • 22 pairs

  • 23 pairs

  • 43 pairs

Cranial capacity of modern man is

  • 450-650 cc

  • 600-1000 cc

  • 900-1100 cc

  • 1200-1600 cc

A colourblind mother and normal father would have

  • colourblind sons and normal/carrier daughters

  • colourblind sons and daughters

  • all colourblind

  • all normal


Ruminate endosperm occurs in

  • Annonaceae/Areca nut

  • Compositae

  • Cruciferae

  • Euphorbiaceae

Haeckel's biogenetic law or recapitulation theory states that

  • life history of an animal reflects evolutionary history of the same

  • progeny resembles parents

  • mutations are acquired characters

  • all organisms begin their life from zygote

Inheritance of ABO blood groups illustrates

  • polyploidy

  • multiple allelism

  • euploidy

  • dominance

Which of the following are most abundant types of antibodies ?

  • IgA

  • IgE

  • IgG

  • IgM


Name the ship on which Darwin got opportunity for a voyage of world.

  • Titanic

  • Vikrant

  • Vectoria

  • Beagle