Multiple Choice Questions


In Whittaker's system of classification prokaryotes belong to the kingdom

  • Monera

  • Protista

  • Animalia

  • Fungi



R H Whittaker (1969) developed phylogenetic classification and divided all the organisms  into 5- kingdom, namely, Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae and Animalia.

Kingdom- Monera includes all prokaryotes, mycoplasma, bacteria, Actinomycetes and Cyanobacteria or Blue- green algae.


Cell theory was proposed by 

  • Virchow

  • Schleiden and Schwann

  • Robert Hooke

  • B McClintock

'Bundle of His' are
  • nervous tissue supplied to ventricles

  • nervous tissue supplied to heart

  • muscular tissue supplied to ventricle

  • muscular tissue supplied to heart

Hamburger shift is also known as

  • bicarbonate shift

  • chloride shift

  • potassium shift

  • All of the above

Which one is the sweetest suagr?

  • Glucose

  • Fructose

  • Sucrose

  • Maltose


Autonomic nervous system affects

  • reflex actions

  • sensory organs

  • internal organs

  • None of these

Who for the first time developed electron microscope?

  • Knoll and Ruska

  • Rudolf and Kolliker

  • Robert Hooke

  • Swanson

Which on eof the following is a saprophytic bryophyte?

  • Riccia fluitans

  • Buxbaumia aphylla

  • Funaria hygrometrica

  • Sphagnum

After a deep inspiration and maximum expiration, the capacity of lungs is known as

  • vital capacity

  • tidal volume

  • IRV

  • ERV


Water bloom is generally caused by

  • green algae

  • blue- green algae

  • bacteria

  • Hydrilla