Multiple Choice Questions


Which one of the following is a natural growth inhibitor?

  • NAA

  • ABA

  • IAA

  • GA



ABA (Abscisic acid) is a naturally occuring growth inhibitor in plants.


In CAM plants, CO2 acceptor is

  • RuBP

  • PEP

  • OAA

  • PGA

Ginger is an underground stem. It is distinguished from root because

  • it lacks chlorophyll

  • it stores food

  • it has nodes and internodes

  • it has xylem and vessels


  • inhibits PS- I

  • inhibits PS- II

  • destroy chloroplast

  • inhibits oxidative phosphorylation

Root hair absorbs water from soil through

  • turgor pressure

  • ion exchange

  • osmosis

  • DPD


Apical dominance is caused by

  • auxin

  • gibberellin

  • kinetin

  • ABA

Which of the following is not caused by deficiency of mineral?

  • Chlorosis

  • Etiolation

  • Shortening of internodes

  • Necrosis

A genophore is made up of 

  • a single double stranded DNA

  • a single stranded DNA

  • RNA and histones

  • histones and non- histones

During DNA replication in prokaryotes DNA is anchored to

  • chromosome

  • mesosome

  • nucleolus

  • ribosome


Iodine is obtained from 

  • Laminaria

  • Chlorella

  • Polysiphonia

  • Porphyra