Multiple Choice Questions


X- linked recessive gene is

  • always expressed in male

  • always expressed in femlae

  • lethal

  • sub- lethal


always expressed in male

X- linked genes are represented twice in female and once in male. The recessive X- linked genes have characteritic criss- cross inheritance, ie, male transmits his X- linked recessive genes to his grandson through his daughter.


Balbiani rings are the structural features of

  • allosomes

  • polytene chromosomes

  • autosomes

  • Lampbrush chromosomes

Which of the following is used as a best genetic vector in plants?

  • Bacillus thurengiensis

  • Agrobacterium tumifaciens

  • Pseudomonas putida

  • All of the above

Presence of tail in a child is an example of

  • atavism

  • divergent evolution

  • convergent evolution

  • mutation

Mesozoic era is Golden period of

  • reptiles

  • Mollusca

  • fishes

  • amphibians


Repressor protein is produced by

  • regulator gene

  • operator gene

  • structural gene

  • promoter gene

Accessory sexual character in female is promoted by

  • androgen

  • progesterone

  • estrogen

  • testosterone

Yersinia pestis is responsible for

  • syphilis

  • whooping cough

  • plague

  • leprosy

Ovulation takes place in a month between

  • 11-14 day

  • 14-16 day

  • 15-28 days

  • 21-26 day


Pneumatic bones are expected to be found in

  • house lizard

  • flying fish

  • pigeon

  • tadpole of frog