Multiple Choice Questions


Which of the following is important for muscle contraction and nerve impulse transmission?

  • Ca2+ ions

  • Mg2+ ions

  • Both (a) and (b)

  • Fe2+ ions


Ca2+ ions

Ca2+ ions are essential for muscle contraction, neutro- muscular functions and nerve impulse transmission. During its transmission, impulse arrives at a synaptic knob, Ca2+ ions diffuse into the knobs from surrounding tissue fluid.

It basically triggers a process in which numerous synaptic vesicles fuse with the membrane of the knob and the areas of fusion break down, releasing the contents of vesicles into the fluid of synaptic clefts.


Kupffer cells are present in

  • liver

  • small intestine

  • pancreas

  • thyroid gland

Contractile vacuole in protozoan Amoeba is meant for

  • respiration

  • excretion

  • locomotion

  • osmoregulation

Which one is component of Ornithine cycle?

  • Ornithine, citrulline and alanine

  • Ornithine, citrulline and arginine

  • Amino acid are not used

  • Ornithine, citrulline and fumaric acid

The excretory material of bony fish is

  • urea

  • protein

  • ammonia

  • amino acid


The leucocytes contain which of the following in large quantity?

  • Basophils

  • Neutrophils

  • Eosinophils

  • Monocytes

During inspiration, the diaphragm

  • expands

  • shows no change

  • contracts and flattens

  • relaxes to become dome- shaped

The function of pineal body is to

  • lighten the skin colours

  • control sexual behaviour

  • regulates the period of puberty

  • All of the above

Indusium is found in

  • algae

  • ferns

  • moss

  • Cycas


The vacuole is lined by a membrane called

  • tonoplast

  • jacket

  • cell membrane

  • tonoplasm