Multiple Choice Questions


Synsacrum of fowl consists about

  • 29 vertebrae

  • 3 vertebrae

  • 16 vertebrae

  • single vertebrae


16 vertebrae

Synsacrum is the thoracic region of vertebral column in fowl. It consists of about 16 fused vertebrae and provide support to ilia bones of immense pelvic girdle.


Chromosome complement with 2n - 1 is called

  • monosomy

  • nullisomy

  • trisomy

  • tetrasomy

The embryo at 16 celled stage is known as

  • morula

  • gastrula

  • blastula

  • blastomere

Which of the following provides most evident proof of evolution?

  • Fossils

  • Morphology

  • Embryo

  • Vestigial organs

Animals undergoes inactive stage during winter, is known as

  • aestivation

  • hibernation

  • adaptation

  • acclimatization


In rabbit, head of epididymis present at the head of testis is called

  • vas deferens

  • cauda epididymis

  • gubernaculum

  • caput epididymis

Small fish get stuck near the bottom of a shark and derives its nutrition from it. This kind of association is called as

  • antibiosis

  • commensalism

  • predation

  • parasitism

Which of the following is not vestigial in man?

  • Tail vertebrae

  • Nails

  • Nicitating membrane

  • Vermiform appendix

the group of Anamniota includes

  • reptiles and birds

  • birds and mammals

  • fishes an amphibians

  • reptiles and mammals


Jumping genes in maize were discovered by

  • Hugo de Vries

  • Barbara McClintock

  • T H Morgan

  • Mendel