Multiple Choice Questions


Which is always present in photochemical smog?

  • O3

  • CO2

  • SO2

  • CH4



Photochemical smog occurs at high temperature due to stull air, emission of nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons. Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) splits into nitric oxide and nascent oxygen.

Nascent oxygen combines with molecular oxygen to form ozone. This further reacts with hydrocarbons to form aldehydes and ketones.

NO2, O2 and ketones combine to form Peroxy Acyl Nitrates (PAN) which is responsible for eye irritation. Therefore, first reported in Los Angeles, so called Los Angeles Smog.

Classical (London) Smog was reported in London. It occurs at low temperature which contains sulphur gases, smoke and dust particles.


Streptomycin is obtained from

  • Streptomyces griseus

  • S. aureofaciens

  • S. venezuelae

  • S. ramosus

DNA element with ability to change position is called

  • cistron

  • transposon

  • intron

  • recon

Initiation codon is

  • UUU

  • UGA

  • AUG

  • UAG

DNA mutiplication is called

  • translation

  • replication

  • transduction

  • transcription


The soil which is transported by wind is known as

  • colluvial

  • eolian

  • aluvial

  • glacial soil

Lichen is the pioneer vegetation on which succession?

  • Hydrosere

  • Lithosere

  • Psammosere

  • Xerosere

In Pinus, male cone bears a large number of

  • ligules

  • anthers

  • micro- sporophylls

  • mega- sporophylls

Decomposers are

  • autotrophs

  • autoheterotrophs

  • organotrophs

  • heterotrophs


Cleavage polyembryony occurs in

  • Pinus

  • Mini Cycas

  • Cycas

  • Ephedra