Multiple Choice Questions


The wild-life protection act was introduced in

  • 1972

  • 1981

  • 1986

  • 1991



The Wildlife Protection Act, 1972 is an Act of the Parliament of India enacted for protection of plants and animal species.


The intensity levels of whispering noise is

  • 10-15 dB

  • 20-40 dB

  • 45-50 dB

  • 50-55 dB

In honey, the percentage of maltose and other sugar is

  • 9.2

  • 8.81

  • 10.5

  • 11.2

Identify the correct type of food chain

Dead animal > Blow fly maggots > Common frog > Snake

  • Grazing food chain

  • Detrital food chain

  • Decomposer food chain

  • Predator food chain

Which is not applicable to the biological species concept

  • Hybridization

  • Natural population

  • Reproductive isolation

  • Gene pool


DNA sequences that code for protein are known as

  • introns

  • exons

  • control regions

  • intervening sequences

Which one of the following is a systematic insecticide

  • Malathion

  • Endrin

  • Parathion

  • Furadan

Which is the correct sequence of arrangement of types of WBC in decreasing order in terms of number per mm3 of human blood

  • Eosinophils > Basophils > Neutrophils

  • Basophils > Eosinophils > Neutrophils

  • Neutrophils > Eosinophils > Basophils

  • Eosinophils > Neutrophils > Basophils

Seedless banana is

  • parthenocarpic fruit

  • multiple fruit

  • drupe fruit

  • true fruit


In AIDS, HIV kills

  • Antibody molecule

  • T-helper cell

  • Bone-marrow cells

  • T-cytotoxic cell