Multiple Choice Questions


Earthworms are economically important for man as these are used as

  • bait for catching fish

  • food of poultry

  • medicine for gout

  • All of the above


All of the above

Earthworms are of great economic importance for man. These are the natural plougman which make the soil porous and fertile. These are also used in medicines for piles, gout, diarrhoea, jaundice, stones of bladder and sexual impotency earthworms are also used as bait for fishes.


Proximal and distal convoluted tubules are parts of a

  • nephron

  • oviduct

  • vas deferens

  • caecum

Heart sound dub is caused due to closing of

  • valve

  • tricuspid valve

  • semilunar valve

  • None of the above

Posterior pituitary gland

  • produces and store hormones

  • stores 6 trophic honnones

  • stores and releases ADH and oxytocin

  • release and store growth and thyroid stimulating hormone

The instrument used for measuring blood pressure is

  • electrocardiograph

  • X-rays

  • sphygmomanometer

  • electroencephalograph


Heart beats originates from

  • pace maker

  • cardiac muscles

  • left atrium

  • right ventricle

Cranial nerve showing maximum branching is

  • trigeminal

  • vagus

  • optic

  • facial

Gonadotrophins are secreted from

  • gonads

  • anterior pituitary

  • posterior pituitary

  • antidiuretic hormone

Which of the following is a part of pectoral girdle?

  • Ilium

  • Ischium

  • Acetabulum

  • Glenoid cavity


Water vascular system is characteristic of

  • Protozoa

  • Porifera

  • Annelida

  • Echinodermata