Multiple Choice Questions


Which of the following vitamins is water soluble as well as an antioxidant?

  • Vitamin- B1

  • Vitamin-A

  • Vitamin-D

  • Vitamin-C




Vitamin Function Source
I. Water soluble    
(a) Vitamin- B complex    
Vitamin- B1 Anti beri-beri Yeast, whole grains
Vitamin- B2 Maintenance of oral mucosa Milk, egg
(b) Vitamin- C Antioxidant help in collagen and bone formation Citrus fruits
II. Fat soluble    
(a) Vitamin- A Promotes normal vision  Carrot, cabbage
(b) Vitamin- D Maintenance of Ca and P level in body Cod and shark liver oil
(c) Vitamin- E Antioxidant Green vegetables, oil
(d) Vitamin- K Anti= haemorrhagic Green vegetables


The blood of cockroach contains no respiratory pigment. It means that

  • respiration is anaerobic

  • cockroach does not respire

  • oxygen goes directly into tissues by diffusion

  • oxygen goes into tissue by intracellular capillary system

Human ear ossicles are

  • incus and stapes

  • stapes

  • incus, malleus and stapes

  • incus and malleus

Follicle Stimulating Hormone is secreted by

  • anterior lobe of pituitary

  • hypothalamus

  • gonads

  • poterior lobe of pituitary

The echinoderms are

  • arborial insects

  • marine animals

  • terrestrial insects

  • freshwater forms


'Adaptation' of eyes in dark is due to

  • depletionof vision pigment in rods

  • depletion of vision pigment in cones

  • repletion of vision pigment in rods

  • repletion of vision pigment in cones

Which part of an animal virus is not reproduced in multiple copies?

  • Capsid

  • Protein

  • Envelope

  • Ribosome

Which of the following amino acids is not optically active?

  • Glycine

  • Valine

  • Leucine

  • Isoleucine

During strenuous excercise, glucose is converted into

  • glycogen

  • pyruvic acid

  • starch

  • lactic acid


Tube feet is the locomotory organ in 

  • starfish

  • jelly fish

  • silver fish

  • Scoliodon