Multiple Choice Questions


Which of the following have notochord throughout life?

  • Birds

  • Fish

  • Snake

  • Amphioxus



In chordates and sub- phylum Cephalochordates, notochord is present throughout life. In vertebrates, it is replaced by vertebral column.


Shell of molluscs is derived from

  • foot

  • mantle

  • ctenidia

  • placoid

During unfavourable conditions, the sponges form

  • cyst

  • encyst

  • spicule

  • Gemmule

Bacteria are considered plant because they

  • are green in colour

  • have rigid cell wall

  • have chlorophyll

  • have stomata

First National Park developed in India is

  • Gir

  • Kaziranga

  • Jim Corbett

  • None of these


Eustachian canal connects

  • middle ear with external ear

  • middle ear with internal ear

  • external ear with internal ear

  • pharynx with middle ear

Which is common between earthworm, leech and centipede?

  • They have Malphigian tubules

  • They are hermaphrodite

  • They have ventral nerve cord

  • None of the above

Tree of life is

  • arbor vitae

  • pons Varolii

  • organ of Corti

  • diencephalon

Which of the following is a respiratory disease?

  • Polio

  • Arthritis

  • Asthma

  • Cancer


Sciatic vein of frog opens in

  • heart

  • kidney

  • pelvic region

  • liver