Protista differs from monera in having from Biology NEET Year 20




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Vitamin B6 is also called

  • thiamine

  • pantothenic acid

  • pyridoxine

  • retinol



Protista differs from monera in having

  • cell wall

  • autotrophic nutrition

  • flagella

  • nuclear membrane


nuclear membrane

All single-celled eukaryotes are placed under protista. Phylogenetically the kingdom protista acts as a connecting link between the prokaryotic kingdom-Monera and the complex multicellular kingdoms- Fungi, Plantae and Animalia.

Protistan cell body has a well defined nucleus and other membrane- bound organelles. It is surrounded by plasmalemma (cell membrane). It consists of cilia and flagella. It has nucleus, nucleolus and nucleoplasm. Monerans lack nuclear membrane.


Why are vascular bundles closed in monocots?

  • Xylem and phloem are present.

  • Xylem and phloem occur in separate bundles.

  • Vascular cambium is present between xylem and phloem.

  • Vascular cambium is not present.


Who invented electron microscope?

  • Janssen

  • Edison

  • Knoll and Ruska

  • Landsteiner


What do A, B, C and D represent in the following figure?

  • A : carrier protein, B: symport, C: uniport, D : antiport

  • A : carrier protein, B : uniport, C: antiport, D : symport

  • A: carrier protein, B: antiport, C: symport, D : uniport

  • A : carrier protein, B: uniport, C: symport, D : antiport


Gametophyte and sporophyte are independent of each other in which of the following groups?

  • Pteridophytes

  • Angiosperms

  • Gymnosperms

  • Bryophytes


Which of the following is correct?

  • Paneth cells secrete pepsinogen

  • Parietal cells secrete hydrochloric acid

  • Argentaffin cells secrete mucus

  • Chief cells secrete gastrin


Which of the following is correct about the given figure?

  • The length ofthe thick and thin myofilaments has changed.

  • Length of both anisotropic and isotropic band has changed.

  • The myosin cross-bridges move on the surface of actin and the thin and thick myofilaments slide past each other.

  • Length of the sarcomere remains same.


What is correct about the movement of substance across the membrane in facilitated diffusion?

  • It is an active transport

  • It doesn't cause transport of molecules from low concentration to high concentration

  • It is insensitive to inhibitors

  • It is a very specific transport


Refer the given figures on photoperiodism and select the correct option.

  • A B C
    no correlation between light period and flowering long light- exposure period short light- exposure period
  • A B C
    long light- exposure period no correlation between light period and flowering short light- exposure period
  • A B C
    short light exposure period long light exposure period no correlation between light period and flowering
  • A B C
    no correlation between light period and flowering short light exposure period long light exposure period
