Multiple Choice Questions


Acromegaly is due to hypersecretion of

  • insulin

  • thyroxine

  • growth hormone

  • None of these


growth hormone

Growth hormone (GH) is secreted by anterior pituitary gland. It works with thyroid hormone and controls the normal growth. Hypersecretion (over production) of growth hormones in children causes the bones to grow unusually long. This results in a condition known as gigantism. But in adults, hypersecretion of growth hormone causes the bones of hands and face to thicken. This results in a condition called as acromegaly.


Fifth cranial nerve of frog is called

  • vagus

  • trigeminal

  • optic

  • ophthalmic

Which of the following is made up of a single bone in mammals?

  • Dentary

  • Hyoid

  • Upper jaw

  • All of these

If frog's brain is crushed, even then its leg moves on pinpointing. It is called

  • simple reflex

  • conditional reflex

  • neurotransmitter function

  • autonomic nerve condition

Gemmule formation in sponges are useful in

  • asexual reproduction

  • sexual reproduction

  • parthenogenesis

  • parthenocarpy


Which of the following is not a mental disorder?

  • Epilepsy

  • Neurosis

  • Psychosis

  • Plague

Brunner's glands are present in

  • duodenum

  • oesophagus

  • ileum

  • stomach

Sella turcica is found

  • near pituitary

  • in bones

  • in joints

  • near thyroid

Spindle fibres of mitotic cell are made up of

  • tubulin

  • actin

  • myosin

  • collagen


Systemic heart refers to

  • entire heart in lower vertebrates

  • the two ventricles together in humans

  • the heart that contracts under stimulation from nervous system

  • left auricle and left ventricle in higher vertebrates