Multiple Choice Questions


The basic unit of classification is

  • Species

  • Genus

  • Family

  • Phylum



The basic unit of classification is species. It is the lowest category of classification. It is a group of closely related individuals with similar morphological, anatomical, biochemical and cytological characters. It is a group of naturally interbreeding population with ability to produce fertile offsprings. Individuals of a species share a common gene pool. Species is reproductively isolated, thus genetically closed system. Species has the real existence in nature. The term 'species was given by John Ray, an English naturalist.


Nucleic acid is absent in

  • Virus

  • Viroid

  • Prion

  • Mycoplasma

The phrase "Omnis cellula e cellula' was given by

  • Virchow

  • Pasteur

  • Schleiden

  • Brown

One animal that does not perform locomotion is

  • Sycon

  • Nereis

  • Sepia

  • Euglena

Heterocysts are present in

  • Riccia

  • Ulothrix

  • Albugo

  • Nostoc


Animals of class-Mammalia have

  • Seven cervical vertebrae

  • Seven cranial nerve

  • Single ventricular chamber

  • Fourteen cervical vertebrae

In most fungi, cell wall is chiefly made of

  • Cellulose

  • Chitin

  • Protein

  • Lipid

Glycogenolysis involves

  • Conversion of sugar into glycogen

  • Oxidation of Sugar

  • Conversion of glycogen into sugar

  • Conversion of glycogen into fat

In Ruscus, the stem is a

  • Phyllode

  • Cladode

  • Offset

  • Sucker


Apoenzyme is

  • Protein

  • Carbohydrate

  • Vitamin

  • Amino acid