Multiple Choice Questions


In Dianthus, placentation is

  • Basal

  • Free central

  • Axile

  • Marginal


Free central

In free central placentation, the syncarpous gynoecium is unilocular and the placenta are borne on a central column formed by an extension of the base of the gynoecium where the carpels fuse or the suppression of septa. e.g. Stellaria, Dianthus


Light reaction in stroma lamellae of the chloroplast results in the formation of



  • ATP K

  • O2

Epigynous flowers are present in

  • Mustad

  • Brinjal

  • China rose

  • Cucumber

Catkin inflorescence is found in

  • Wheat

  • Oat

  • Mulberry

  • Fig

Coffee and quinine are obtained from the

  • Leguminosae

  • Asteraceae

  • Rubiaceae

  • Poaceae


The term 'keel' is used for special type of

  • Sepals

  • Petals

  • Stamenstellen

  • Carpels

Membrane is absent in

  • Nucleus

  • Nucleolus

  • Vacuole

  • Lysosome

In leaves of Ce plants, malic acid synthesis during CO2 fixation occurs in

  • Bundle sheath

  • Mesophyll

  • Epidermis

  • Guard cells

The term 'bark' refers to

  • Phellem, phelloderm and vascular cambium

  • Periderm and secondary xylem

  • Cork cambium and cork

  • Phellogen, phellem, phelloderm and Secondary phloem


Kranz anatomy can be obseved in leaves of

  • Sorghum

  • Spinach

  • Mustrad

  • Tulip