Multiple Choice Questions


Movement of tongue muscle is controlled by

  • facial nerve

  • trigeminal nerve

  • hypoglossal nerve

  • vagus nerve


hypoglossal nerve

There are twelve cranial nerves in mammals. Hypoglossal (the 12th) cranial nerve is responsible for movement of neck and tongue. It contains both sensory and motor fibres.

Fcaial nerve (7th nerve) helps in contracting and producing facial expressions.

Trigeminal nerve carries sensation from a person's face to brain. 

Vagus nerve is the longest nerve of the body. It helps to regulate many critical aspects of human physiology such as, heart rate, blood pressure etc.


Name the following having oxygen storing capacity

  • myoglobin

  • prophase- II

  • anaphase- I

  • metaphase- II

Which the following is a gastrointestine hormone?

  • Prolactin

  • Enterogastrone

  • GH

  • FSH

Which function will be lost due to damage of occipetal lobe?

  • Hearing

  • Speech

  • Vision

  • Memory

Tetany is caused by

  • hyperparathyroidism

  • hypoparathyroidism

  • hyperthyroidism

  • hypothyroidism


Which centre is stimulated during increase in body temperature?

  • Anterior hypothalamus

  • Posterior hypothalamus

  • Limbic system

  • Red nucleus

Meissner's corpuscles occur in

  • brain

  • nerve cells

  • skin

  • tongue

Which of the following substances can cure Parkinson's disease?

  • GABA

  • Acetylcholine

  • Dopamine

  • Glutamic acid

Kupffer's cells are

  • phagocytic

  • actin

  • myosin

  • fibrin


Longest phase of meiosis

  • prophase- I

  • prophase- II

  • anaphase- I

  • metaphase- II