Multiple Choice Questions


Which of the following is related to humoral immunity?

  • T- lymphocyte

  • B- lymphocyte

  • I- lymphocyte

  • P- lymphocyte


B- lymphocyte

The term humor refers to plasma and lymph. B-lymphocytes mature within the bone marrow. The progeny of B-cells differentiate into memory B-cells and effector B-cells called plasma cells. A singe plasma cell can secrete more than 2000 molecule of antibody per second. Secreted antibodies are major effector molecules of humoral immunity.


Acid rain is caused by

  • NO2

  • SO2 and NO2

  • SO3

  • CO2

Structural element of chromatin is

  • histone

  • acid protein and DNA

  • nuclear matrix

  • nucleosomes

Fertilization occur in

  • uterus

  • ureter

  • vagina

  • fallopian tube

The name of the pace maker of the heart is

  • lymph node

  • SA node

  • juxtaglomerular apparatus

  • semilunar valve


The scientific name of the moth which produce tasar is

  • Bombyx mori

  • Antherae mylitta

  • Antherae assamensi

  • Philosomia ricini

Ovule integument gets transformed into

  • seed

  • fruit wall

  • seed coat

  • cotyledons

Polyploid derived from two different species is called

  • autopolyploid

  • triploid

  • allopolyploid

  • monoploid

Pieces of plant tissue used in culture is called

  • explant

  • domaclone

  • inoculant

  • clone


Biolistic technique is used in

  • tissue culture process

  • gene transfer process

  • hybridization process

  • germplasm conservation process