Multiple Choice Questions


Digestion in Leucosolenia and other sponges is

  • only extracellular

  • only intracellular

  • first extracellular, then intracellular

  • first intracellular, then extracellular


only intracellular

Digestion occurs in food vacuoles only, hence, it is  completely intracellular.


The repeating unit in glycogen is

  • glucose

  • fructose

  • galactose

  • cellulose

Fluid mosaic model exhibits amphipathy because of

  • glycoproteins

  • phospholipids

  • lipids

  • glycolipids

Leveret is young one of

  • eagle

  • hawk

  • deer

  • None of these

Tube within tube plan is exhibited by which of the following groups of animals?

  • Arthropods

  • Cephalochordates

  • Annelids

  • Mollusca


Molluscan blood contains

  • haemoglobin

  • haemozoin

  • haemocyanin

  • All of these

Moulting in snakes is done by shedding

  • comified cells

  • stratified germinativum

  • epidermis

  • dermis

Non-reducing sugars have

  • free CHO group and bound CO group

  • free CO group and bound CHO group

  • both CO and CHO free groups

  • neither free CO nor free CHO groups

Caudal vertebrae of man are united to form a single

  • synsacrum

  • pygostyle

  • coccyx

  • None of these


A cysticerous in pig muscles can remain alive for

  • six months

  • one year

  • six years

  • one month