Multiple Choice Questions


Melting of DNA at an elevated temperature (70°C) is primarily due to the breakdown of

  • phosphodiester bonds

  • glycosidic bonds

  • disulphide bonds

  • hydrogen bonds


hydrogen bonds

Denaturation is the loss of function of a protein caused due to loss of structure. Heat can cause denaturation of DNA. It can disrupt the hydrogen and ionic bonds thus causing the 3 -D-structure to unravel.


The expanded name of MRI is

  • Medical Reserach Instrument

  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging

  • Magnetic Research Institute

  • Medical Resonance Imaging

Humoral immunity is mediated by

  • cytotoxic T-cell

  • plasma cell

  • eosinophil

  • neutrophil

Homo erectus evolved during

  • Oligocene

  • Pliocene

  • Pleistocene

  • Miocene

The carcinoma, a type of cancer, originates from

  • blood

  • connective tissue

  • epithelial tissue

  • lymph gland


For a clean environment, which one following is not essential?

  • Producer

  • Consumer

  • Decomposer

  • Polluter

In spermatogenesis, reduction division of chromosome occurs during conversion of

  • spermatogonia to primary spermatocytes

  • primary spermatocytes to secondary spermatocytes

  • secondary spermatocytes to spermatids

  • spermatids to sperms

The usual source of restriction endonucleases used in gene cloning is from

  • fungi

  • bacteria

  • plants

  • viruses

Which one of the following is not included under in situ conservation?

  • National park

  • Wild life sanctuary

  • Zoological garden

  • Biosphere reserve


The important gas which was absent during the formation of Earth is

  • oxygen

  • hydrogen

  • nitrogen

  • carbon dioxide