Multiple Choice Questions


The expanded name of MRI is

  • Medical Reserach Instrument

  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging

  • Magnetic Research Institute

  • Medical Resonance Imaging


Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRD) is a non-invasive technique which uses strong magnetic field to generate resonance and low radio frequency in protons present in the body MRI is capable to map internal tissues, highlight pathological changes and study tissue metabolism with the help of spectroscopy.


Humoral immunity is mediated by

  • cytotoxic T-cell

  • plasma cell

  • eosinophil

  • neutrophil

Which one of the following is not included under in situ conservation?

  • National park

  • Wild life sanctuary

  • Zoological garden

  • Biosphere reserve

In spermatogenesis, reduction division of chromosome occurs during conversion of

  • spermatogonia to primary spermatocytes

  • primary spermatocytes to secondary spermatocytes

  • secondary spermatocytes to spermatids

  • spermatids to sperms

Homo erectus evolved during

  • Oligocene

  • Pliocene

  • Pleistocene

  • Miocene


The important gas which was absent during the formation of Earth is

  • oxygen

  • hydrogen

  • nitrogen

  • carbon dioxide

The carcinoma, a type of cancer, originates from

  • blood

  • connective tissue

  • epithelial tissue

  • lymph gland

The usual source of restriction endonucleases used in gene cloning is from

  • fungi

  • bacteria

  • plants

  • viruses

Melting of DNA at an elevated temperature (70°C) is primarily due to the breakdown of

  • phosphodiester bonds

  • glycosidic bonds

  • disulphide bonds

  • hydrogen bonds


For a clean environment, which one following is not essential?

  • Producer

  • Consumer

  • Decomposer

  • Polluter