Multiple Choice Questions


Which one of the following triplet codon is known as initiation codon?

  • UUU

  • UAA

  • AUG

  • UGA



AUG and GUG are called initiation codons because they initiate the polypeptide chain. UAA (Ochre), UAG (Amber) and UGA (Opal) are termination codons. If these codons are present in mRNA, the protein synthesis stops abruptly, whether the protein synthesis is complete or not.

UUU codes for phenylalanine.


If you want to develop hybrid seeds within a bisexual flower, the following part needs to be removed from the same flower

  • stigma

  • ovary

  • anther

  • oviduct

Which pairs of the following diseases are caused by two genes located on human X-chromosomes?

  • Colour blindness and phenylketonuria

  • Colour blindness and haemophilia

  • Colour blindness and albinism

  • Colour blindness and hypertrichosis

Basic principle of developing transgenic plants and animals is to introduce the gene of interest into the nucleus of

  • somatic cell

  • vegetative cell

  • germ cell

  • body cell

Presence of which of the following hormone in the urine confirms pregnancy?

  • Progesterone

  • Oestrogen

  • Human chorionic gonadotropin

  • Prolactin


In plant tissue culture, the callus tissues can be regenerated into complete plantlets primarily by altering the concentration of

  • sugars

  • vitamins

  • amino acids

  • hormones

The volume of 'Anatomical Dead Space' air is normally

  • 230 mL

  • 210 mL

  • 190 m

  • 150 mL

Mammals have originated from which of the following

  • Pisces

  • Amphibia

  • Reptilia

  • Aves

Which one of. the following animals possesses giant chromosome?

  • Drosophila

  • Mouse

  • Pigeon

  • Elephant


Xenogamy is essentially a type of

  • cleistogamy

  • allogamy

  • autogamy

  • homogamy