Multiple Choice Questions


Select the correct combination (s) from the followings.

  • Encephalitis - Viral disease

  • Kala-azar - Phlebotomus

  • Rhabditiform larvae - Ascaris

  • Entamoeba - Sporogony


Encephalitis - Viral disease


Kala-azar - Phlebotomus


Rhabditiform larvae - Ascaris

Kala-azar a visceral leishmaniasis is a parasitic disease caused by Protozoa of the Leishmania genus. The insect vectors are species of sandfly of the genus Phlebotomus.

The life cycle of Ascaris lumbricoides involves a single host, that is, man. The egg fertilised eggs passed with the faeces develop into a rhabditiform larva in the soil which then transforms into egg containing the second stage which is hence, infective to man.

Encephalitis or inflammation of brain results either from a viral infection or when the body's own immune system mistakenly affects brain tissue (auto immune encephalitis).

Sporogony is a major phase of the life cycle of Plasmodium, where there encysted zygote undergoes multiple division, giming rise to the sporozoites.


Match the following column I with column II.

Column I Column II
A. Producer 1. Herbivores
B. Primary consumer 2. Green plants
C. Secondary consumers 3. Saprotrophs
D. Decomposer 4. Carnivores

  • A- 1; B- 2; C- 3; D- 4

  • A- 2; B- 1; C- 4; D- 3

  • A- 2; B- 4; C- 3; D- 1

  • A- 3; B- 2; C- 1; D- 4

Match the items in column I with those in column II and choose the correct answer.

Column I Column II
A. Klinefelter syndrome 1. Mutation in autosomal gene
B. Thalassaemia 2. Mutation in sex chromosome linked gene
C. Down syndrome 3. Trisomy of autosome
D. Colour blindness 4. Trisomy of sex chromosme

  • A- 1; B- 2; C- 3; D- 4

  • A- 2; B- 3; C- 4; D- 1

  • A- 3; B- 4; C- 1; D- 2

  • A- 4; B- 1; C- 3; D- 2

An area is declared as 'Hot Spot' when

  • it has 1500 or more endemic species and 75% of its original habitat is lost

  • it has 1500 or more vertebrate species and 75% of its original habitat is lost

  • it has more than 2000 species of plants

  • most of the species inhabiting the area is facing the risk of extinction

Select the non-degradable pollutant (s) from the followings

  • Plastic

  • Organochlorine pesticides

  • Heavy metals

  • Domestic sewage


Select the correct combination of statements for DNA fingerprinting,

I. It is ELISA based technique.

II. It is PCR based technique.

III. It is used by forensic scientists.

IV. It is based on the fingerprint of the individual.

V. It is a test for paternity

  • I, II and III

  • II, III and IV

  • I, IV and V

  • I, III and IV

Which of these gases was/were present in prebiotic atmosphere?

  • Ammonia

  • Methane

  • Oxygen

  • Hydrogen

Select the correct combination of statements regarding Myasthenia gravis.

I. It is an autoimmune disorder.

II. It causes insufficient acetylcholine binding that affects muscular contraction.

III. Antibodies are developed against acetylcholine

IV. Antibodies are developed against acetylcholine receptors.

V. Antibodies are developed against acetylcholine esterase.

VI. It causes drooping of eyelids.

  • I, III, IV, VI

  • I, II, IV, VI

  • I, II, IV, VI

  • II, III, IV, V

Match the following column I with column II

Column I Column II
A. Cytology 1. Study of fossils
B. Entomology 2. Study of cells
C. Palaentology 3. Study of birds
D. Ornithology 4. Study of insects

  • A- 2; B- 3; C- 4; D- 1

  • A- 2; B- 4; C- 1; D- 3

  • A- 1; B- 2; C- 4; D- 3

  • A- 3; B- 2; C- 1; D- 4


Select the correct statement (s) pertaining to Chipko movement.

  • It was led by Sunderlal Bahuguna

  • It was a tree hugging movement

  • It commenced in the Tehri-Garhwal district.

  • It received global attention on environmental protection.