Multiple Choice Questions


Identify the type of flagella Column I based on there structures given in Column II.

Column I (Flagella type) Column II (Structure)
A. Monotrichous 1. 
B. Amphitrichous 2.
C. Lophotrichous 3. 
D. Peritrichous 4. 

  • A - 1; B - 2; C - 3; D - 4

  • A - 2; B - 1; C - 4; D - 3

  • A - 4; B - 3; C - 2; D - 1

  • A - 4; B - 1; C - 2; D - 3


A - 4; B - 3; C - 2; D - 1

The number and distribution of flagella on the bacterial surface are characteristics for a given species, based on this flagella can be

A. Monotrichous - A single flagella that extends from one end of the cell.


B. Amphitrichous - A single or multiple flagella that extends from both ends of the cell.

C. Lophotrichous - Multiple or several flagella that extends from one or both ends of the cell.

D. Peritrichous - Multiple flagella may be randomly distributed over the entire bacterial cell.


The heterocysts in the cyanobacterium are

  • site of photosynthesis

  • reserve food storage

  • enactive enzymes

  • nitrogen-fixation

Select the mismatch

  • Algae Thallus
    Chalamydomonas Unicellular flagellate
  • Chlorella Unicellular non flagellate
  • Ulva Parenchymatous
  • Volvox Non- flagellate colonies

What did Engelmann observe from his prism experiments?

  • Bacteria could not detect the sites of O2 evolution.

  • Bacteria release excess carbon dioxide in red and blue light

  • Bacteria accumulated due to the increase in temperature caused by increase in oxygen concentration

  • Bacteria get accumulated towards red and blue light

Read the following statements.

I. Adam's apple in man is formed by thyroid cartilage.

II. The maximum volume of air a person can breath in after forced expiration is vital capacity.

III. About 20-25% of CO, is transported as carbaminohaemoglobin.

IV. Pneumotaxic centre lies in pons.

The correct statement(s) is

  • Only I

  • I, II

  • I, II, III

  • I, II, III, IV


Bioluminescence is a characteristic feature of

  • Diatoms

  • Dinoflagellates

  • Slime moulds

  • Euglenoid

The given symbols of floral parts indicate the condition:

% or CA or PA or G

  • zygomorphic flower, epipetalous, epiphyllous, superior ovary

  • actinomorphic flower, epipetalous, interior ovary

  • zygomorphic flower, epiphyllous, epipetalous, superior ovary

  • actionmorphic flower, epipetalous, superior ovary

A plant produced 50 flowers. Ovary of each flower has 50 ovules. How many fruits and seeds are produced by that plant, respectively?

  • 50, 50

  • 50, 100

  • 50, 2500

  • 2500, 2500

Select the mismatch.

  • Tomato - Axile placentation

  • Sunflower - Free central placentation

  • Pea - Marginal placentation

  • Poppy - Parietal placentation


Identify the wrong statement.

  • The degree of decrease of chemical potential of water depends on concentration of solute

  • Bacteria and fungal spores are killed when they enter into pickels and jams due to plasmolysis

  • The process of water excudation is called transpiration

  • Reverse plasmolysis will occur when flaccid cells are placed in hypotonic solution