Multiple Choice Questions


A plant produced 50 flowers. Ovary of each flower has 50 ovules. How many fruits and seeds are produced by that plant, respectively?

  • 50, 50

  • 50, 100

  • 50, 2500

  • 2500, 2500


50, 50

50 flowers have 50 ovules. 50 fruits from 50 ovaries will be obtained and 50 seeds from 50 ovules will be obtained.

So, 50 fruits and 50 seeds will be produced by 50 flowers.


What did Engelmann observe from his prism experiments?

  • Bacteria could not detect the sites of O2 evolution.

  • Bacteria release excess carbon dioxide in red and blue light

  • Bacteria accumulated due to the increase in temperature caused by increase in oxygen concentration

  • Bacteria get accumulated towards red and blue light

Read the following statements.

I. Adam's apple in man is formed by thyroid cartilage.

II. The maximum volume of air a person can breath in after forced expiration is vital capacity.

III. About 20-25% of CO, is transported as carbaminohaemoglobin.

IV. Pneumotaxic centre lies in pons.

The correct statement(s) is

  • Only I

  • I, II

  • I, II, III

  • I, II, III, IV

The given symbols of floral parts indicate the condition:

% or CA or PA or G

  • zygomorphic flower, epipetalous, epiphyllous, superior ovary

  • actinomorphic flower, epipetalous, interior ovary

  • zygomorphic flower, epiphyllous, epipetalous, superior ovary

  • actionmorphic flower, epipetalous, superior ovary

Bioluminescence is a characteristic feature of

  • Diatoms

  • Dinoflagellates

  • Slime moulds

  • Euglenoid


Identify the wrong statement.

  • The degree of decrease of chemical potential of water depends on concentration of solute

  • Bacteria and fungal spores are killed when they enter into pickels and jams due to plasmolysis

  • The process of water excudation is called transpiration

  • Reverse plasmolysis will occur when flaccid cells are placed in hypotonic solution

Select the mismatch.

  • Tomato - Axile placentation

  • Sunflower - Free central placentation

  • Pea - Marginal placentation

  • Poppy - Parietal placentation

Select the mismatch

  • Algae Thallus
    Chalamydomonas Unicellular flagellate
  • Chlorella Unicellular non flagellate
  • Ulva Parenchymatous
  • Volvox Non- flagellate colonies

Identify the type of flagella Column I based on there structures given in Column II.

Column I (Flagella type) Column II (Structure)
A. Monotrichous 1. 
B. Amphitrichous 2.
C. Lophotrichous 3. 
D. Peritrichous 4. 

  • A - 1; B - 2; C - 3; D - 4

  • A - 2; B - 1; C - 4; D - 3

  • A - 4; B - 3; C - 2; D - 1

  • A - 4; B - 1; C - 2; D - 3


The heterocysts in the cyanobacterium are

  • site of photosynthesis

  • reserve food storage

  • enactive enzymes

  • nitrogen-fixation