Choose the correct correctly matched pair from Biology NEET Year




NEET Class 12

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions


How many different types of gametes are produced, if the genotype of a plant is AABB?

  • 8

  • 6

  • 4

  • 2

  • 2


If the four bases of DNA have to code for twenty amino acids, the code should constitute a combination of bases. This was proposed by

  • Rosalind

  • Har Gobind Khorana

  • George Gamow

  • Marshall Nirenberg

  • Marshall Nirenberg


In Eukaryotes, the removal of RNA polymerase III from the nucleoplasm will affect the transcription of

  • mRNA

  • hnRNA

  • tRNA

  • 5.8S rRNA

  • 5.8S rRNA


Which one of the following does not follow the central dogma in molecular biology?

  • HIV

  • E.coli

  • Mucor

  • Chlamydomonas

  • Chlamydomonas


Which among these are correctly matched

(i) Down's syndrome - trisomy 21
(ii) Klinefelter's syndrome - 45, XO
(iii) Turner's syndrome -  47x XXY

  • (ii) and (iii) only

  • (i) only

  • (i) and (ii) only

  • (iii) only

  • (iii) only


The scientists(s) who performed experiments with heavy isotopes of nitrogen to prove that DNA replicates semiconservatively is/are

  • Fredrick Griffith

  • Watson and Crick

  • Taylor

  • Meselson and Stahl

  • Meselson and Stahl


X and y are disenses in infants. X is produced by deficiency of proteins and calories. Y is produced by protein deficiency unaccompanied by calories deficiency. X and Y are respectively

  • Kwashiokar; Marasmus

  • Diabetes; Goitre

  • Goitre; Diabetes

  • Marasmus; Kwashiorkar

  • Marasmus; Kwashiorkar


The natural antibodies in the plasma of a person with blood group 'O' is 

  • Anti- A only

  • anti - B only

  • Anti-A and Anti-B only

  • Anti-B and Anti-D only

  • Anti-B and Anti-D only



Choose the correct correctly matched pair

  • CAD - Atherosclerosis

  • Tetany - Disorder of the neuromuscular junction

  • Gout - Rapid spasms in muscles

  • Goitre - Hyperthyroidism

  • Goitre - Hyperthyroidism


CAD - Atherosclerosis

Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) is a condition which affect the arteries that supply the heart with blood. It is usually caused by artherosclerosis which is a buildup of plaque inside the artery walls.


Match the following
List I List II
A. Contraceptive pill 1. Prevents sperms reaching the female reproductive tract
B. Condom 2. Inhibits ovulation and implantation
C. Vasectomy 3. Increases phagocytosis of sperms
D. Copper I 4. Blocks gamete transport

  • A - 4; B - 1; C - 2; D - 3

  • A - 1; B - 2; C - 3; D - 4

  • A - 2; B - 1; C - 3; D - 4

  • A - 4; B - 3; C - 1; D - 2

  • A - 4; B - 3; C - 1; D - 2
